Updated social media icons

Your website is your home online. Your best content, including your biography and music, should be nicely organized across all your pages. Your domain name is yours, and you can be found there. You can completely control your online presence.

Add social media icons on your website pages as part of your overall online strategy. This will allow your website visitors to discover your music across other digital platforms and connect with you on social media sites.

To grow your online presence, it is important to have social media icons. Add the social media icons that you use most often, but don’t add too many.

We’ve made the icons for social media sites more appealing and easier to use. They are now called “My Sites” icons. Add social media links to the site (so that they appear on all pages once added) or page-by-page. This update is for the page-bypage feature. You can now customize the appearance of your icons on any of your pages.


When you add new social media icons by default, the color will be flat and determined by the branding of each platform.

You can choose to use this or change them so that they match other buttons on your site (such as the play button). You can decide to make the icons all-white or all-black. You can use a custom color that you select from a wheel of colors (you can enter the exact color by using a Hex code).


You can change the shape of your social media icons to give your page a new look without having them re-added. Try the square or circle options to see what they look like on the page. Try both the circle and square options with an outline.

Alignment & Sizing

Once you have decided on their colors and shapes, place your social media icons on the page. You can change the size of your social media icons up to 100px. The feature can be aligned to the right, left, or center of the page.

My Sites – Using this feature

Add your icons for social media to your music website. This can be useful in several ways. You can, for example:

Add to your Music page all the streaming platforms that your music is available on

Add the most popular social media sites to your EPK page

Add the most active social media platforms you use to your Contact page

Add your Facebook or Instagram Icon to a Live Streaming or Events Page

Customize your music or social media icons to give your site a modern, fresh look. We hope you enjoy the new options available for your social media icon!

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